Past Events

Reel Rock 19
Reel Rock 19 will be happening on 3.8.25 in the Ramin Room at Bartels Hall! We will be showing the newest Reel Rock films on a big screen and there will be a trail mix bar and raffle. The event is free and everyone is welcome! Here is the link to register! Doors open at 7pm and show starts at 8pm!
Also here is a link to register for after hours climbing at Lindseth after Reel Rock!

Feats of Strength Comp
Feats of Strength Comp hosted at Movement Valhalla! Thanks to everyone who came!

USAC Bouldering Competition at CRG Rochester
We had a SAC Bouldering Competition at CRG Rochester on 11/2/24!
Sad you missed it? Check out our upcoming events page for more chances to sign up for comps!

Halloween Club Night
Join us for the Halloween 2024 Bat Hang Saturday (10/26) at 8:30pm! We’ll be climbing in the dark with headlamps. Plus, show off your best Halloween look for our costume contest—there will be prizes!
Register for the event here! Don’t miss out on this thrilling night of scares and sends

Club Meetup!
CRCC Evening Meetup THIS Wednesday from 8-10pm!
Use this opportunity to come climb with the club, make new belay friends, and have a great time! You can come to just climb or we will have optional games and drills for those that want!
We will meet behind the bouldering wall for a group warmup & attendance at 8pm. More information on the Slack.
Fall Break Trip!
Fall break trip to Rumney Rocks Climbing in New Hampshire. More info to come - be on the lookout via Slack!

G-Body 1
Come to the CRCC G-Body to learn about our club practices, climbing trips, fun club events, and competitive climbing opportunities. The meeting is in Warren 151 at 5pm. See you there!

Fall 2024 ClubFest
Join us on Saturday, Sept 7th for ClubFest! We'll have our own table with E-board members ready to answer any questions about the club, help you get registered, and give information on our G-body next week. Don't miss it!

First Club Night!
On August 31st, we had a great first official Saturday club night, where we had the Lindseth gym to ourselves and did a combination of bouldering, top rope, and lead climbing. Join us again for our other club nights, which are every Saturday night. Registration is not required, and the events are always free for everyone!

O-Week Freshman Climbing
Thank you to all the wonderful, amazing e-board members and CRCC volunteers who set up a great O-Week climbing event to welcome freshmen to Cornell. Also, shoutout to everyone who has been coming to Week 1 morning practices! We have had excellent turnouts and we are so excited to see how the club continues to grow this semester!
CRCC x OO x COC Formal!
Thank you to Outdoor Odyssey and Cornell Outing Club for collaborating with us for our first-ever CRCC formal. The event took place at Mount Pleasant and it was a great turn out!

Cornell Crusher 2024
Cornell Crusher took place on May 5th, 2024 this year and was a Modified Redpoint competition. We had 109 competitors on 49 new boulders. Huge shoutout to Josh Giblin for organizing this event, along with help from COE, CRCC, and student volunteers. Also huge shoutout to Lindseth’s routesetters for making this event possible!